Spring 2018 at Daydreams & Canvas
It’s an exciting time for me at my cozy, little studio these days. I am excited about the upcoming Spring season. I will have lots of garden flags available at several major retailers, such as Lowe’s, Wal-Mart, Dickson’s Gifts, & others. Spring is my favorite season and seeing my work blossom into retail makes it even better. Pictured are some that will be available at Wal Mart, Lowes, Discount Decorative Flags, and Carson Gifts. This is just a small portion of what will be available, along with wall art, kitchen textiles, and more. For inquiries into my work available for licensing contact my agent Julie LaDow or Darrian LaDow of MainLine Art and Design. www.mainlineartdesign.com New designs are added to my portfolio regularly